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Listings for Biasiswa Korporat (194)

Biasiswa Korporat



Dato Ahmad Abdullah Scholarship Fund

Dato Ahmad Abdullah Scholarship Fund is a offering RM10,000.00 for each FTMS students who would like to pursue their study in FTMS College. For those who intere...



IACT Creative Talent Award

Programmes Quantum of Tuition Fee Waiver Foundation in Media Studies RM4,000 RM6,000 RM8,000 RM10,000 50% Tuition Fee Waiver 100% Tuition Fee ...




BIASISWA TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN (BTAR) Biasiswa berprestij dan eksklusif ini ditawarkan kepada pelajar cemerlang dan berbakat kepimpinan yang tinggi. Ianya memberi...



Pinjaman Pemboleh Ubah Perkeso

INFO BIASISWA Pinjaman ini ditawarkan kepada pemohon yang merupakan anak tanggungan penerima faedah dibawah PERKESO. Pinjaman ini adalah dalam bentuk...



IUKL Rebate Scheme

Scholarship details Overview A rebate* of up to 50% of the first-semester tuition fee will be awarded to all self-funding students at FOUNDATION, DIPLOMA, D...



Alice Smith International School Form 6 Scholarship

Scholarship details Overview The Alice Smith Schools Association is a not-for-profit educational foundation, established in Kuala Lumpur in 1946. Ha...



Tunku Abdul Rahman Education Assistance (BPTAR)

This BPTAR is meant for students from a poor family background, to cover the cost of living for two (2) semesters (10 months only) while pursuing full-time ...



LOTTE Scholarship

LOTTE Scholarship Foundation invites academic excellent undergraduates who have been offered to study in University of Malaya, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia and...



Tan Sri Lee Loy Seng Foundation Scholarship

The TAN SRI LEE LOY SENG FOUNDATION is an educational foundation which among other charitable activities, award scholarships to Malaysian students irrespectiv...



Sony Scholarship

Sony EMCS (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. is the place for talents to bring out their creativity and technological skills to the highest potential. They place high v...

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