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Listings for Biasiswa Antarabangsa (47)

Biasiswa Antarabangsa



Biasiswa Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship

Scholarship details Overview The Khazanah-Cambridge Scholarship provides financial sponsorship to Malaysians who plan to study for an undergraduate an...



Google Generation Scholarship 2021/2022

Google Scholarship Benefits Selected students receive $ 1,000 per year to cover tuition, books, or other tuition. The program is open to students who meet...



Biasiswa Kerajaan Jepun (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) for Japanese Studies

The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of Japan offers scholarships to international students who wish to study for a period ...



Biasiswa Yayasan Sime Darby Undergraduate Scholarship (Indonesia)

Overview Yayasan Sime Darby invites qualified Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia (STPM) or diploma holders from recognised academic institutions to apply ...



Biasiswa JPA Scholarship – Program Biasiswa Komanwel New Zealand

PANDUAN PERMOHONAN BIASISWA KOMANWEL NEW ZEALAND TAHUN 2020 1.Calon perlu berumur tidak melebihi 39 tahun pada 1 Oktober 2020. 2.Calon perlu memenuhi sy...



Ajinomoto Postgraduate Scholarship

Scholarship Info This program enables students from six countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Russia) wishing to enroll in a m...



Biasiswa The Government of Brunei Darussalam Scholarship

Biasiswa Kerajaan Brunei Biasiswa ini ditawarkan kepada pelajar asing termasuk warganegara Malaysia yang berminat melanjutkan pengajian di universiti...



Biasiswa University of Queensland Malaysia Global Leaders Scholarship

Scholarship details Overview The Malaysia Global Leaders Scholarship, provided by University of Queensland, is an exciting opportunity for high achi...



Biasiswa University of Nottingham High Achievers Scholarship

Scholarship details Overview University of Nottingham is offering students graduating from their last years of secondary education a scholarship for...



SPM / STPM Scholarships Offer for Foundation & Diploma Program in Aust...

Berikut adalah senarai biasiswa 2019 lepasan SPM / STPM bagi pengajian peringkat Asasi/ Diploma dari universiti- universiti ternama tempatan di Australia ( Grou...

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