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Biasiswa MSCB Scholarship Program

At MSCB, we are committed to fostering talent and nurturing future leaders. Our MSCB Scholarship Program is designed with the following objectives: Empower...



Public Bank – Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow Legacy Scholarship

Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow Legacy Scholarship SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITY FOR 2024/2025 Named in honour of the late Tan Sri Dato Sri Dr. Teh Hong Piow, this prestigiou...



Program Penajaan Pengajian Tertiari (TESP) – Tajaan MARA

Permohonan Program Penajaan Pengajian Tertiari (TESP 2024) Kini Dibuka oleh Pihak MARA Mulai 26 BOVEMBER 2024 sehingga 5 DISEMVER 2024 | Syarat TESP MARA | Lo...



Yayasan Bursa Malaysia Scholarship

Yayasan Bursa Malaysia (YBM) Scholarship The well-being of our nation depends on how we nurture the young. At Bursa Malaysia, we believe in providing opportu...



Biasiswa KPT – MyBrain 2.0 Scholarship

Scholarship details PERMOHONAN PROGRAM PENAJAAN MyBrain 2.0 KINI DIBUKA! Permohonan akan dibuka mulai: 1 Ogos 2024 (Khamis) 3.00 petang...



Nexus Scholarships 2025

Nexus International School is proud to provide learners with the opportunity to experience an outstanding international education in a culturally diverse enviro...



PAM Agrow Scholarship Award

Scholarship Info Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia invites students pursuing architectural programmes leading to LAM Part I qualifications . Pertubuhan ...



Biasiswa Cagamas Scholarship Programme

OBJECTIVE The programme is intended to reach out to deserving Malaysians who are in need of financial aid to pursue their education. WHAT DOES THE SCHOLARSHIP...



Biasiswa KFC Scholarship

Memacu Generasi Pemimpin Masa Hadapan Program Biasiswa KFC ini ditawarkan khas kepada pelajar dari keluarga B40 yang layak dan telah meneri...



Genting Malaysia Scholarship

Scholarship details The Genting Malaysia Scholarship Award (GENM Scholarship) provides qualified young Malaysians with the golden opportunity to f...

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