UEM Scholarship (Scholarship For SPM Leavers)
Scholarship details Scholarship opens from 15 March - 7 April, 2019 Undergo a pre-university programme at Kolej Yayasan UEM (KYUEM) in Lembah Beringin, ...
Biasiswa UCSI Averis Scholarship Programme
Overview The Averis Scholarship Programme is open for Malaysian students who going to pursue or currently pursuing Accounting / Accounting & Finance studen...
Biasiswa Fair & Lovely
Permohonan Biasiswa Fair & Lovely 2019 Online Berikut dikongsikan adalah maklumat tentang Permohonan Biasiswa Fair & Lovely 2019 termasuk syarat kelaya...
Biasiswa Yayasan Sime Darby Pre-University Scholarship (United Kingdom)
Scholarship details Yayasan Sime Darby invites qualified SPM 2018 leavers to apply for education sponsorship to pursue foundation studies locally, lead...
Biasiswa Yayasan Sime Darby Pre-University Scholarship (China)
Scholarship details Overview Yayasan Sime Darby invites qualified SPM 2018 leavers to apply for education sponsorship to pursue foundation studies in ...
Biasiswa Pendidikan Premium Yayasan Bank Rakyat Scholarship
Yayasan Bank Rakyat (YBR) menawarkan biasiswa premium kepada warga Malaysia berumur 18 hingga 30 tahun dengan purata purata gred kumulatif (PNGK) sebanyak 3.50 ...
Garden International School Scholarship
Scholarship details Are you an academic superstar? Or is your child a talented musician? Brilliant at sports? If you or your children are any ...
Singapore University Scholarship
Info Biasiswa Dr Goh Keng Swee (GKS) adalah biasiswa sektor swasta yang ditadbir oleh Persatuan Bank di Singapura (ABS). Setiap tahun, 3 hingga 4 biasiswa dibe...
Biasiswa UNITEN MERIT Scholarship
UNITEN MERIT Scholarship 2019 is for the high achiever students with excellent results. The scholarship is worth 75%, 50% and 25% off from the tuition fee, depe...
Biasiswa UNITEN KSHAS Scholarship
UNITEN KSHAS Scholarship 2019 is a unique offering for students who would like to pursue their studies in Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Cam...